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When Will They Arrive?

All of our major preparations are in place.  The welcoming teams for each of the two families are ready.  They have a calendar for necessary appointments in the first few weeks.  They have participated in  an orientation to cultural and trauma-related issues.  The predicted 4-6 weeks since approval for Nilofar and family are about to elapse– we’re told that there might be further delay or a sudden announcement of their imminent arrival.  

We are fervently hoping for their arrival before the new federal administration makes a policy change.  Even then, we have been reassured that those already in the pipeline will eventually arrive, possibly with further delays.  Please hold everyone working for their arrival  in your prayers–both those on the ground here and the officials in the massive international bureaucracies who are working on innumerable details for every refugee.  It is entirely possible that we could receive word of their arrival next week…and so we wait on the edge of our seats with hope and prayers.

Faith Reflection

Lord, help me to live this day, quietly, easily;
To lean on your great strength, trustfully, respectfully;
To wait for the unfolding of your will, patiently, serenely;
To meet others, peacefully, joyfully;
To face tomorrow, confidently, courageously.
- St. Francis of Assisi

Our interfaith community grounds our work in the teachings of our diverse traditions. Each meeting of BCICRR begins with a reading or reflection from a member of the community. We share one of them here.


Bucks County Interfaith Coalition for Refugee Resettlement (BCICRR) was founded in 2016 as an all-volunteer group working together to support two Syrian families.


Fiscally sponsored by Bristol Friends Meeting (a 501C3 org), the coalition is made up of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and others who have come together to provide friendship, practical assistance, and financial support for these families. Along the way we have become an extended family, supporting and learning from one another.

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